Our Financial Literacy Clubs teach youths to make smarter financial decision early, using various fun activities, games and online tools.

Nnenna Mosugu






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Financial Literacy Curriculum

Our curriculum will ensure that students:
Understand the value of a college education:
 - Career planning and earnings potential
 - The importance of graduating
Make and follow a personal budget
 - Track personal income and expenses
 - Understanding budgeting rules of thumb
Understand loans and credit
 - Basic terms and disclosure rules
 - Responsible vs. Excessive borrowing
 - Loan amortization
 - Good and bad loans
 - Assets and Liabilities
Understand the role of finances in the context of setting life goals
Make first steps into employment after graduation
 - Self-employment
 - Entrepreneurship
 - Evaluating job offers
 - Student loan repayment
Understand banking basics
 - Checking and saving accounts
 - Debit cards
 - Interest and other banking terms
Understand and purchase insurance
Including auto, renters, health, home, and life insurance.
Know how to plan for the future
 - Establishing an emergency fund
 - Plan for major expenditures
 - Rationally make big financial decisions
 - Investment terms and instruments, including retirement
Make plans for charitable giving
Be able to take personal responsibility and have a sense of personal agency for one’s financial situation
Financial Literacy Clubs (FliC) in Secondary Schools

Financial Literacy Clubs (FliC) in Secondary Schools


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